all postcodes in NE16 / NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE

find any address or company within the NE16 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE16 6AA 0 54.921275 -1.715098
NE16 6AB 0 54.921463 -1.711149
NE16 6AF 0 54.902062 -1.75634
NE16 6AG 0 54.896966 -1.739526
NE16 6AH 0 54.907551 -1.738418
NE16 6AJ 1 54.906589 -1.742755
NE16 6AL 0 54.91069 -1.753179
NE16 6AN 1 54.905294 -1.745902
NE16 6AP 0 54.903117 -1.749316
NE16 6AQ 0 54.907741 -1.730556
NE16 6AR 0 54.894813 -1.767589
NE16 6AS 1 54.897797 -1.757956
NE16 6AT 0 54.893867 -1.747798
NE16 6AU 0 54.901664 -1.738436
NE16 6AW 0 54.904659 -1.747622
NE16 6AX 1 54.908818 -1.714484
NE16 6AY 0 54.891128 -1.736123
NE16 6AZ 0 54.891053 -1.738587
NE16 6BA 1 54.889057 -1.742403
NE16 6BB 0 54.894517 -1.728336